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Viktor Liashko: The state is interested in ensuring that everyone can realize the right to health

The Ministry of Health team has implemented some regulatory changes aimed at preserving and improving the health of Ukrainians from birth. The state is interested in ensuring that everyone can realize their right to health. The minister emphasized this during a meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine, which took place in Kropyvnytskyi. The event was dedicated, among other things, to the state’s readiness for the start of the new school year.

Viktor Liashko said that a new public health system has been launched in Ukraine, with significantly changed approaches to disease prevention, including in children:

“Even amid the war and constant shelling, we are working intensively to improve the quality of medical care. With the help of international partners, we are succeeding. However, in most cases, only disease prevention can improve the health of Ukrainians. This is a complex task that we are working on at all levels. To do this, we are developing the public health sector, actively working in communities, talking about disease risk factors and ways to protect ourselves, and emphasizing the importance of timely seeking professional medical care. In addition, we have introduced a three-level prevention system.”

According to him, primary prevention involves preventive vaccinations, promotion of healthy lifestyles, informing about effective prevention measures, medical examinations, etc. Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing the progression of diseases in the early stages, it includes primarily early detection of diseases and monitoring the patient’s health after recovery to avoid relapses. Tertiary prevention is aimed at controlling complications after illnesses and rehabilitation, as well as chronic pain management and palliative care.

At the end of 2023, Ukraine launched the Procedure for Early Detection of Developmental Disorders or Risk of Developmental Disorders in Children from Birth to Four Years of Age and Timely Referral of Families with Children to Early Intervention Service Providers for a Comprehensive Service by a Multidisciplinary Team. This allows us to identify problems at an early stage and significantly improve the child’s condition, which in the future allows us to avoid inclusive education at school.

In addition, the rules for preventive medical examinations of children before entering educational institutions of all levels have been simplified. From now on, parents do not need to wait for the summer and stand in lines to undergo a medical examination - it can be done at any time during the year before entering kindergarten or school. There is no longer any need to visit doctors - a single form of certificate for all children, issued by a family doctor or pediatrician, has been approved - No. 086/о.

In October 2024, a new procedure for preventive medical examinations for employees of certain professions, including teachers, will come into effect.

Ukraine has also improved the system of psychosocial assistance. This includes children who are forced to study in basements during air raids and often in the absence of electricity, the Internet, and communication.

Psychosocial support is available at all levels of medical care - both in health care facilities and at the place of residence, individually or in a family or group environment.

The Ministry of Health has provided training for primary care physicians under a special mhGAP program, which has enabled them to be involved in providing psychosocial care at the primary level. Hospitals employ psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists who provide secondary-level psychological care.

Guidelines have been developed for healthcare professionals on how to respond to physical and/or psychological violence in cases of suspected violence against children. Medical professionals know how to respond in case of suspected violence against children.

Work continues on the school nutrition reform initiated by First Lady Olena Zelenska. In this way, the Ministry of Health plans to have a positive impact on the overall level of non-communicable diseases among adults. Last year, the Strategy for Reforming the School Nutrition System and the Action Plan for its implementation for the next three years were adopted. The implementation of these measures will help us achieve our goal of ensuring the health of future generations. Last year, Ukraine joined the International School Feeding Coalition to gain global support from like-minded people.

The Minister also emphasized that all participants in the educational process must be protected, including from infectious diseases:

“Vaccinations protect not only the vaccinated child, but also children who do not have them due to medical contraindications. Schools and organized groups where children study should be a safe environment for all participants in the educational process.”

 If you do not follow the vaccination recommendations, there will be prerequisites for children to become infected and sick. Teachers and other people can also get sick.

However, according to the minister, it is also important for adults involved in the educational process to be vaccinated. The only effective way to ensure immunity against COVID-19 is vaccination, especially for high-risk groups, people with chronic diseases and people over 60, including teachers.

The Ministry of Health has updated its recommendations for coronavirus vaccination. They are in line with the latest global recommendations of the World Health Organization.

“The safety of the educational environment in each of the educational institutions that will open their doors to children in a few weeks depends on us. We cannot let children down, because our task is to protect them in every decision we make and always be on their side, on the side of their health.”
Viktor Liashko summarized.