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Ukrainian officials and medical professionals held joint consultations with U.S. representatives to improve the preparedness of the medical system to emergencies

Ukrainian and American officials, medical experts, and scientists held a series of meetings and joint consultations on the preparedness and response of the medical and public health system to possible risks and threats of an emergency character. During the sessions, the parties exchanged experience and reviewed existing models of country response and medical care for victims, including in the event of possible nuclear and chemical threats. 

In particular, the relevant experts identified key factors in adapting and developing updated policies in the context of strategic communication of medical professionals in an emergency, decontamination procedures, hospital evacuation plans, first aid, and long-term health monitoring and medical care for victims. 

Experts had the opportunity to share their experience in dealing with chemical emergencies. The Ukrainian side also received expert advice on responding to such incidents. The participants discussed what additional mechanisms could be used in emergencies, including those involving the use of chemicals: namely, safety protocols for medical workers and medical treatment of radiation and chemical injuries; deployment and management of emergency medical services during chemical and radiation attacks; measures to decontaminate people, the environment, biomedical and laboratory waste; coordination of actions of emergency response personnel, medical workers at the site of the incident.