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Rabies vaccines are delivered to all regions of Ukraine

In 2018 Ukraine has procured over 39 000 doses of rabies vaccines, which have already been distributed among all regions of Ukraine and are currently being delivered to hospitals nationwide.

The high quality certified vaccines to protect both children and adults against rabies were procured by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for the allocated state budget funds. These vaccines are used for preexposure prophylaxis and postexposure treatment of rabies. The WHO-prequalified vaccines are produced in France by the reliable manufacturer holding a GMP certificate.

The availability of rabies vaccines in the regions is presented in the table (in Ukrainian), which is constantly updated.

Rabies is a dangerous zoonotic viral disease (transmitted from animals to humans) that attacks the central nervous system targeting the brain and the spinal cord, and if untreated is fatal. This deadly virus is spread to people from the saliva of infected domestic, feral, or wild animals. The virus is usually transmitted through bites and scratches.

Therefore, an active immunization is necessary to prevent the development of clinical rabies after exposure has occurred, usually in case of an animal bite or other contact with an animal suspected to be rabid, i.e. post-exposure prophylaxis. Further immunization should be administered in the post-exposure prophylaxis regimen.

People whose work frequently brings them in contact with animals are considered to be at higher risk than the general population. This would include those in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal control, wildlife work, and laboratory work involving live rabies virus.