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A new modular clinic was installed in Kharkiv Oblast to replace the destroyed one as part of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and WHO

A new modular primary care outpatient clinic has been opened in Tsyrkuny, Kharkiv oblast village. This facility replaced a Lyptsi, Kharkiv oblast clinic, which was destroyed in an attack earlier this year. It is a large modular primary health care facility with four patient rooms and other technical facilities.

The new modular clinic will serve internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have been evacuated or relocated from areas of intense fighting in Kharkiv oblast. The clinic will be staffed by five medical professionals. Together with another modular clinic installed earlier this year in the village, the two facilities will serve about 12,000 patients.

“The enemy army’s systematic attacks on medical facilities complicate access to medical care, especially in communities close to the war zone. The Ministry of Health, together with the WHO and other partners, is working to ensure that Ukrainians have access to the necessary medical services, including at the primary level, even in these conditions. The installation of modular primary care clinics is a temporary solution that can quickly and effectively resolve the issue of access to medical care for patients.”
Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine

The outpatient clinic was established as part of a partnership between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Health Organization to provide patients with access to essential medical services despite the full-scale war.

“We reacted quickly when the previous modular clinic in Lyptsi was damaged. Fortunately, everyone was evacuated and no one was injured in the attack. Our team worked hard to have the replacement ready in just two months.”
Emanuele Bruni, Acting Lead of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme

The clinic is equipped with the necessary amenities, including electricity, sanitary facilities, waiting rooms, and patient examination rooms. In addition, the new outpatient clinic is ready to operate in blackouts and is self-contained.

“WHO has invested in modular primary health care units over the past year to ensure that local communities have access to primary health care services. Access to primary health care is a fundamental human right,” said Doctor, WHO Representative and Head of the WHO Country Office in Ukraine.”
Dr. Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative and Head of the WHO Country Office in Ukraine

This clinic is one of 23 WHO modular units operating in the war-affected regions of Ukraine. Each clinic can be set up in 10-14 days and is a long-term solution with a service life of more than 10 years. The modular units are integrated into Ukraine’s healthcare system to effectively meet the full-scale war challenges and consequences.

For reference: modular clinics are a WHO response and recovery project in Ukraine that offers a quick and long-term solution to an acute problem. The project has already installed modular facilities in Kherson, Kharkiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv, and Donetsk oblasts. The installation of the last unit was made possible with the support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).