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A contract was signed to conduct a technical inspection of the damaged building of Okhmatdyt

On August 27, a regular meeting of the council for the restoration of the medical facility was held at the Okhmatdyt Hospital. During the meeting, the participants reviewed priority solutions for the earliest possible launch of work to restore the modern building of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “Okhmatdyt”, which was damaged as a result of the July 8 missile attack. Today, it houses not only the departments that functioned before but also some of those relocated from the destroyed buildings of Okhmatdyt.

A prerequisite for a transparent tender for restoration work is a competent detailed instrumental inspection of the building’s damage, an estimate based on this, and its subsequent independent examination.

At the last meeting, based on the results of the meeting of the Ministry of Health with representatives of the construction industry and further consultations of the Council members with anti-corruption organizations, it was recommended that the Okhmatdyt engage a state specialized research institute with relevant experience and expertise to carry out such work to carry out the work as quickly as possible and reduce the risk of obtaining low-quality results that will require additional time and resources.

Following the recommendations received, to complete the work in the shortest possible time and with guaranteed quality, Okhmatdyt engaged the State Research and Design Institute “NDIproektrekonstruktsiya” to conduct a pre-project inspection of the technical condition of building structures and draw up estimate documentation for the building of the modern medical and diagnostic complex of Okhmatdyt. The state granted the Institute the status of a basic organization for scientific and technical activities in construction (scientific, technical, research, regulatory, methodological, and information support for the reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures for non-production purposes). The Institute has a large team of qualified specialists, which makes it able to carry out the work in the shortest possible time — within a few weeks.

“After a week of work in full force, the Restoration Council has already had its first results - the assessment of the damage to the new building has begun and will last for two weeks. Based on the results, a defect report and estimate documentation will be drawn up, after which the tender procedure can be launched. We are doing everything possible to ensure that the processes are not delayed, are transparent and as efficient as possible.”
Inna Ivanenko, Executive Director of the CF “Patients of Ukraine”, Head of the Okhmatdyt Restoration Council.

Funds for pre-project work were allocated by the Tabletochki Charitable Foundation. A contribution from Oschadbank will be used for this purpose. A trilateral agreement was signed between Okhmatdyt, Tabletochki Charitable Foundation, and the Institute. A separate independent organization will carry out further examination of the documents to be developed by the Institute.

“Oschadbank is a long-standing partner of the Tabletochki Charitable Foundation, which has been involved in supporting children fighting cancer and their families for more than seven years. It immediately responded to the tragedy in Okhmatdyt by transferring UAH 10 million to help. These funds will be used to finance the examination of the damage. Thus, thanks to the leading state-owned bank, a leading state institute will be engaged to give an opinion on the condition of the leading state hospital in Ukraine and recommendations for its reconstruction as soon as possible.”
Vyacheslav Bykov, Board Member, Executive Director of Tabletochki Charitable Foundation, member of the Okhmatdyt Restoration Council

The Institute has already begun to urgently carry out the necessary work, and Okhmatdyt, with the technical support of procurement specialists, is preparing to announce a tender in compliance with all procedures and legal requirements. Once the estimate has been determined and passed the expert review, the terms of reference for the restoration work will be approved, which will allow the tender documents to be approved and the procurement procedure to be announced on Prozorro.

The members of the Okhmatdyt Restoration Council also met with the staff of the children’s hospital to discuss the current situation, the hospital’s development strategy and priorities to ensure that the reconstruction process meets the medical needs and objectives of the medical institution. In particular, they discussed the recommendation to prepare a feasibility study to determine the strategy for restoring the damaged surgical building, which has been recognized as an emergency.

In addition, the Council met with the participants of the general meeting of the Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood Charitable Foundation to discuss the donations collected for the hospital’s reconstruction and currently held in the Foundation’s account. Representatives of the Foundation provided the Council with documents on their vision of the mechanisms for using the funds raised on the Foundation’s account to rebuild the hospital. The dialog between the Council and the Foundation will continue to find the best and fastest solutions to restore Okhmatdyt.