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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 919 дописи

Pavlo Kovtoniuk: All primary care facilities should have independent management and sign agreements with NHSU by the end of 2018

22 June 2018

by the end of 2018, all healthcare facilities should switch to independent management as non-profit enterprises owned by local government, and primary care providers should sign contracts with the national health service of ukraine (nhsu). “this is the key objective for local authorities”, underlined pavlo kovtoniuk, deputy minister of health of ukraine, during “an hour of questions to the government” at ukrainian parliament on june 22, 2018.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine invites the Ukrainian medical community to discuss ICD 11

21 June 2018

on june 18, 2018 the world health organization (who) released its new international classification of diseases – icd-11, which contains around 55 000 unique codes for injuries, diseases and causes of death. icd-11 will be presented at the world health assembly in may 2019 for adoption by member states. therefore, the ministry of health of ukraine invites the ukrainian medical community to participate in a discussion of the implementation of the new icd-11and all changes that may determine the future of the ukrainian healthcare.

Medicine Procurement: Medicines procured under four government programs are delivered to the regions

20 June 2018

medicines procured for the state budget funds under four government programs are currently delivered to the regions and will be available in health facilities in the nearest future.

Over 100 health professionals and managers participate in Summer School 2018

19 June 2018

on june 17, 2018 the 5th “health care systems transformation: eastern europe” summer school started in snovianka, chernihiv oblast. this year, the summer school has attracted more than 100 participants and guest speakers from 8 countries.

New Concept of the Emergency Care Reform

18 June 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine invites the public to provide feedback on the new concept of the emergency care reform. a month after receiving the proposals, the ministry will submit the concept to the government for review and approval.

Public Consultation on draft Concept for Licensing of Healthcare Professionals in Ukraine

15 June 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine invites the public to provide feedback on the draft concept for licensing of healthcare professionals in ukraine. this concept provides for the introduction of a completely new licensing system in ukraine. by 2024, all ukrainian doctors should acquire an appropriate level of knowledge and professional skills to obtain a license and integrate into the international medical community.

Next steps in primary care transformation in Ukraine

14 June 2018

at the forum in kyiv, leaders of primary care facilities, which have already signed agreements with the national health service of ukraine (nhsu), and representatives of the ministry of health of ukraine, the nhsu and the usaid hiv reform in action project, which provides methodological and information support to healthcare facilities, discussed the next steps in primary care transformation.

World Blood Donor Day: Strategic Plan for National Blood System Development in Ukraine

14 June 2018

about 500 000 ukrainians annually become donors, yet 70% of them donate blood just one time. regular voluntary non-remunerated blood donation is actively encouraged and supported in the world, because regular voluntary unpaid blood donors are the safest source of high quality blood. such donors have different motivations for donating and are better prepared to donate blood than people who do it in exchange for money. the current blood system in ukraine requires reorganization and modernization aimed at attracting and retaining regular blood donors.

Ukrainian government approves the PHC funds distribution for Q3 2018

13 June 2018

on june 13, 2018 the cabinet of ministers of ukraine approved the third quarter 2018 funding for primary care providers that had not contracted with the national health service of ukraine (nhsu) – these facilities will continue receiving funds through subventions from the local budgets. starting july 2018, 149 phc facilities that joined the reform by signing contracts with the nhsu in early june, will receive payments under a modern single payer tax-based health financing model.

Medicine Procurement: Medicines procured under three government programs are delivered to the regions

12 June 2018

medicines procured for the state budget funds under three government programs are currently delivered to the regions and will be available in health facilities in the nearest future.