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Serving People, Improving Health Project: Mobile healthcare to reach patients in the most remote areas in Poltava oblast

27 August 2018

residents of the remote villages in poltava oblast do not need to go to the oblast center or nearest city anymore to get an ultrasound scanning, a blood pressure measurement, an ecg (electrocardiogram), routine screenings or tests. seven vehicles equipped with the latest technology for rapid diagnosis were purchased and delivered to poltava oblast under the serving people, improving health joint project of the ministry of health of ukraine and the world bank. last week, three of these vehicles made their first visit to six remote villages, and the medical teams examined 79 residents.

The new Ukrainian healthcare is attractive to private equity investors

22 August 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine intends to attract private investments in the development of health infrastructure and health facilities. the ministry is committed to design pilot projects in the regions and to establish a clear and practical algorithm for public-private partnership by the end of this year.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine initiated expert discussions on implementing the system of continuous professional development of doctors

21 August 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine together with a team of experts and representatives from academia, with the support of the american chamber of commerce, organized the “continuous professional development of doctors” round table to discuss the new philosophy of continuous professional development (cpd) of health professionals, as well as the development of requirements and criteria for cpd providers. key aspects of the implementation of the new cpd system were outlined by oleksandr linchevskyi, deputy minister of health of ukraine, inna sovsun, vice president of the kyiv school of economics, and mladena kaсhurets, advisor to acting minister of health of ukraine.

The 2018 WICC Annual Meeting in Lviv: 50 Ukrainian doctors will participate in the open session

20 August 2018

all ukrainian physicians interested in attending the 2018 wicc meeting (august 25-29, lviv, ukraine) were asked to write a short essay describing at least three approaches to primary care improvement and optimization. the ministry of health of ukraine received 50 short essay from general practitioners, pediatricians and family physicians from all regions of the country. all authors are invited to attend the event and the authors of the 10 best essays will receive financial assistance.

PHC Reform: 462 PHC providers signed agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine during the second wave

16 August 2018

on august 15, the national health service of ukraine (nhsu) announced the completion of the "second wave" of signing agreements with phc providers.

Serving People, Improving Health Project: Second cardiovascular operating room opens in Vinnytsia Cardiology Center

16 August 2018

the second cardiovascular operating room in the vinnytsia cardiology center was equipped with a modern mobile digital angiograph – a device used for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery diseases. the cardiology center specialists have already used the new equipment during several procedures. the new equipment, worth more than uah 16 million, was purchased and delivered to the vinnytsia cardiology center under "the component of the healthcare system of vinnytsia region aimed at improving medical care to patients with cardiovascular pathology" subproject, which is being implemented with the support of the world bank and the ministry of health of ukraine.

PHC Reform: NHSU makes second payments to contracted health facilities

15 August 2018

the revenues of phc provides contracted by the national health service of ukraine (nhsu) grow every month with the increase in the number of patient declarations. for example, the second payment under the capitation model made to the rivne regional primary healthcare center in august was 10% higher than the first payment made in july.

Serving People, Improving Health Project: 10 patients from Volyn oblast received artificial heart valves

13 August 2018

in volyn oblast, the first ten patients with heart valves malfunctions received free of charge the life-saving artificial heart valves. the first 100 artificial heart valves were purchased and delivered to the volyn regional hospital under the serving people, improving health joint project of the ministry of health of ukraine with the world bank. by the end of 2018, another 50 devices are to be delivered to the hospital.

Every third Ukrainian has already chosen own family doctor

10 August 2018

as at august 6, 2018, every third ukrainian has signed a declaration with a family doctor, pediatrician or general practitioner. the top-three oblasts with the best results of the ‘a doctor for every family’ campaign include vinnytsia, poltava and kharkiv oblasts: every second resident in these oblasts has already chosen own doctor. this is a great accomplishment and an example of the comprehensive efforts and effective work of both local authorities and doctors. these statistics also prove that most ukrainians support the ongoing transformation of the healthcare system and are ready for real change.

Medicine procurement through ProZorro: a new feature to eliminate manual errors and manipulations

10 August 2018

the data on all medicines registered in ukraine should henceforth be updated automatically in the prozorro open source e-procurement system. recently, the first phase of the integration of the state register of medicines into the prozorro system has been completed. the new prozorro feature allows health facilities to search and purchase medicines from the constantly updated drop-down list of pharmaceutical substances or active pharmaceutical ingredients (inn) and their chemical, pharmacological and therapeutic properties (atc), instead of entering these data manually.